Friday, October 18, 2013

So do it already!

God has given you talents to use for His purpose. You've felt the desire to do something spectacular but you keep postponing, waiting for yet another confirmation. You've allowed fear (of failure) to prohibit you from carrying out God's will for your life and you've let your abilities and resources convince you that your life's mission has to go on the back burner. If God has given you the vision... He has already made provisions...despite what it looks like in the natural, God has already paved the way , you just need to move forward and carry out the plan. Stop worrying about how you're going to make it happen because YOU are not but He has already made the way- your job is to just carry out the orders that you've been given. So, stop planing and start doing- open your restaurant, go back to school, accept the promotion, ask for the raise, start the ministry, ask her to marry you, buy the house. Don't worry that the bank might not approve you or the school is too expensive, someone is more qualified or that you haven't run a ministry before- just do what you know God has called you to DO.